Donald Trump makes bizarre move on Russian sanctions in midst of North Korea summit

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Just a few days ago, Donald Trump demanded that Russia be added to the G7. After the other G7 leaders finished laughing at him, they predictably rejected the idea. This was Trump’s latest blatant attempt at helping out his puppet master Vladimir Putin when it comes to international trade. Yet now that Trump has shifted his efforts to an increasingly ill-fated North Korea summit, his administration is suddenly making a move against Russia when it comes to trade.

Just an hour ago, Palmer Report pointed out that Donald Trump royally screwed up Vladimir Putin’s instructions when it came to the G7. Trump wasn’t supposed to pick fights with the G7 leaders before asking that Russia be added; that only ensured that they would say no. We admitted we weren’t entirely sure why Trump picked those fights; the only thing clear was that Trump did not do what was in Russia’s best interest. Now the Trump administration has announced new sanctions against Russia.

Trump’s Treasury Department just announced new sanctions against five Russian individuals and entities who were specifically involved in a cyberattack against the United States, which comes across as something of a slap on the wrist. These attacks happened a very long time ago, and the Trump administration could have rolled out these new sanctions at any time. Instead it’s choosing to do so immediately after Trump tried to get Russia added to the G7, and just as Trump is negotiating with Putin’s other puppet Kim Jong Un.

There are two schools of thought as to what could be going on here. The first would be that Donald Trump is purposely trying to sabotage Russia for some reason, first with his G7 meltdown, and now with these sanctions. The second would be that Trump is so far gone psychologically, he couldn’t help but get into those fights at the G7 – and now that he’s looking like too much of a Russian puppet, his own administration is rolling out these sanctions (without his involvement) to try to take the heat off him. Take your pick.

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