Donald Trump begins his Battle of the Bulge. He’ll lose.

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Back when Adolf Hitler realized he no longer had any realistic chance of winning World War II, he launched the Battle of the Bulge – a reckless and desperate offensive – because he had nothing left to lose. In so doing, he burned through resources he couldn’t afford to lose, and he risked bringing about his own demise more quickly. Now that Donald Trump has finally figured out that he’s going to lose, he’s resorting to his own Battle of the Bulge.

In the past twenty-four hours Donald Trump has viciously attacked the leaders of Canada, France, and the United Kingdom, not because he thinks the United States can gain anything by feuding with its closest allies, but because he’s trying to set so many things on fire that we can’t keep track of them all. Is this going to buy Trump anything, beyond a few days of distracting some people from his worsening criminal scandals? No. But then no one ever wins their Battle of the Bulge. It gets worse.

Trump and his remaining loyalists at the DOJ just scored an indictment against a Senate staffer who was leaking information to a New York Times reporter. Trump thinks he’s scored the victory of a lifetime. In his delusions, if he can make people within the government afraid to take action against his crimes, and if he can scare reporters out of exposing his crimes, then he’ll somehow win. Of course this is an utterly ridiculous premise, and if anything, this will motivate the media to work overtime to take him down.

But again, this is what desperate last ditch offensives look like, once villains realize they’ve already lost and they have nothing further to lose. Donald Trump is wasting his very limited remaining resources on attacking the New York Times, Canada, and the Philadelphia Eagles. Not only is Trump as evil as Hitler, he’s almost uniquely pathetic in terms of the meaningless battles he’s choosing for his last stand.

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