The real reason for Donald Trump’s weird “Melanie” meltdown

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“Who the heck is Melanie?” It was a question being asked far and wide yesterday after Donald Trump announced announced that “Melanie” had returned home. It was a fittingly absurd ending to a saga in which Melania Trump disappeared for a week to get treatment for a supposed kidney condition, only for the White House to end up refusing to acknowledge whether or not she was really even in the hospital. But how on earth did Donald Trump end up getting his own wife’s name wrong?

The odds are the first time you ever typed “Melania” into your phone, it autocorrected to “Melanie.” But if you’re politically active on social media and you’ve typed more than a few times over the past two years, by now your phone knows full well that you mean Melania, and doesn’t try to change it. Donald Trump’s phone certainly knows to leave “Melania” alone when Donald types it. This means it wasn’t an autocorrect fail yesterday; he actually typed “Melanie.”

Donald Trump is vaguely illiterate and he has trouble spelling everything, but we’re talking about an entirely different name here, and one that’s pronounced differently and has a different number of syllables. So either Donald’s failing cognitive abilities short circuited on level that was new and startling even for him, or he did it on purpose.

Was he trying to create a distraction because he knew the story was about to surface about Donald Trump Jr holding a second treason meeting during the election? Was he purposely trying to offend and humiliate Melania, in the hope of convincing her to pack up and leave for good? Either way, this was more than just some random gaffe. It’s a sign that something is very, very wrong when it comes to Donald and Melania – or is it Melanie? Their collapsing marriage, and his collapsing brain, are a factor when it comes to how he’s responding to his worsening criminal scandals.

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