Donald Trump gives away that a major bombshell is about to land

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At first I thought he was simply trying to distract from today’s deadly school shooting in Texas. In fact he was doing quite an offensive job of it. But as the afternoon has gone on, it’s become clear that we’re looking at something more here. Donald Trump is throwing everything he can think of at the wall, in the desperate hope of creating a distraction. Based on his consistent pattern, we know what this means.

Shortly after Trump posted a woefully insufficient response to the school shooting, he began (falsely) bragging that he had somehow reduced the price of prescription drugs. Then he began (falsely) bragging about how he’s convinced the United Nations to do things his way. Then he dishonestly attacked the Governor of California while pushing his own racist agenda. Trump rarely tweets in the afternoon, yet this barrage all came within a short time. It was clear that something was afoot.

The gig was up by the time Trump was tweeting this loveletter to the dirty and failing coal industry: “America is blessed with extraordinary energy abundance, including more than 250 years worth of beautiful clean coal. We have ended the war on coal, and will continue to work to promote American energy dominance!” We all know what this means. Some major news outlet is about to release a bombshell about one of his scandals, and it asked him if he wanted to comment for the story, so now he knows it’s about to be published.

In the old days, Donald Trump only tried these distraction antics when he knew a bombshell was about to land in his Trump-Russia treason scandal. But now that he also has the Trump-Cohen bribery scandal, the Trump-China bribery scandal, and too many other scandals to list, we can’t say for sure which one he’s trying to distract us from. All we know it that it’s about to surface, because Trump just told us as much.

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