Republican Senators privately admit they’ll kill AHCA and keep Obamacare if they get enough pushback this upcoming week

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The Republican AHCA health care bill is so extraordinarily unpopular, particularly in light of the Congressional Budget Office score showing that it would cost more than twenty million people their current health insurance, Senate Republicans are left unsure what to do with it. But according to multiple sources, GOP Senators are privately acknowledging that they’re just one key step away from killing off the AHCA and keeping Obamacare.

Topher Spiro from the Center for American Progress shared the following from inside sources last night: “Several GOP Senators have privately said this recess is the test – if they get blowback at home, they’ll tell McConnell it’s over” (link). Ben Wikler from MoveOn then went on to confirm this as well, stating that “I’ve heard this from two additional sources. Make this recess count, folks. You have from now till June 5” (link).

For those who oppose the AHCA and favor keeping Obama Care, this means that victory is now as simple giving Republican Senators a hard time over the next week while they’re back in their home states. This revelation has been somewhat corroborated by Mitch McConnell’s own words, as he stated publicly this week that he didn’t know whether there were enough Senate Republican votes to pass the AHCA in any form. Although the House has already passed the AHCA, if it dies in the Senate, it’s dead. And it’s already become clear that if the AHCA dies, Obamacare will remain in place.

That makes this upcoming week crucial when it comes to โ€“ in the word of the source โ€“ blowback against Senate Republicans. If they’re holding town halls in your area, show up and politely but firmly let them know what you think about the AHCA. You can also call the Senate switchboard at (202) 224-3121 to leave a voicemail for each Republican Senator.

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