Get your popcorn: Senate bringing back James Comey for more testimony in Donald Trump obstruction probe

If you thought last week’s testimony by former FBI Director James Comey before the Senate Intelligence Committee was beneficial or enlightening, and you’d like to see a sequel, it looks like your wish is being granted. One day after the Senate Judiciary Committee announced that it’s investigating Donald Trump for obstruction of justice, it’s decided to bring back Comey for another round of testimony.

Chuck Grassley, the Republican chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has been allowing Democratic ranking member Dianne Feinstein to make the decisions when it comes to the committee’s investigation into Trump’s obstructive firing of Comey. She sent him a letter requesting such an investigation, and he immediately signed off on it. Now Feinstein has sent a followup letter (link) to Grassley, detailing the witnesses she wants to testify in the probe. Chief among them: James Comey and Jeff Sessions.

Feinstein says she intends to bring Comey back for another round of testimony, this time with direct regard to Donald Trump’s obstruction. Although Comey hasn’t publicly shown any unwillingness to participate, Feinstein says she and her colleagues are willing to subpoena him if necessary. But Feinstein is also targeting Sessions over his refusal to answer questions while testifying before the Senate Intel Committee this week, even as he declined to invoke executive privilege. Feinstein also wants the testimony of NSA Director Mike Rogers, acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, among others.

While James Comey’s return engagement may be the most looked forward to of the bunch, the sheer number of major names being called to testify makes clear that the Senate Judiciary Committee is turning its Donald Trump obstruction probe into a major investigation. This runs parallel to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Trump obstruction, as well as other committees investigating the Russia scandal. If you’re a regular reader, feel free to support Palmer Report

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