Sean Spicer melts down after he comes front and center in Trump-Russia coverup

Sean Spicer was willing to make fun of himself in public during the Emmys over the weekend, but behind the scenes it’s a very different story. It’s been revealed that he took copious notes during his entire time in the Donald Trump administration, as per his career long habit, and that his notes are coming front and center in the Trump-Russia scandal. Amid that revelation, Spicer flipped out on one of his longtime acquaintances.

Axios reporter Mike Allen learned that Sean Spicer had filled “notebook after notebook” with his own daily notes while on the job. Apparently he’s been doing this since his RNC days so he can keep track of what’s going on (it’s obvious from his briefings that he doesn’t have the greatest memory), and he wasn’t taking the notes out of any specific desire to document the Trump-Russia scandal. That bit of naivete may have just become a problem for him, because Special Counsel Robert Mueller is going to want those notes. Here’s where it gets weird.

Allen says he texted Spicer for comment, expecting a friendly response, as he’s known Spicer and his wife for more than a decade. But instead, Spicer fired back with “Do not email or text me again. Should you do again I will report to the appropriate authorities” (link). Spicer then sent him a followup email which said “Please refrain from sending me unsolicited texts and emails. Should you not do so I will contact the appropriate legal authorities to address your harassment.” Such a response might have been expected if the reporter were a stranger texting him out of nowhere, but this was an oddly overboard response to a longtime acquaintance.

There is no known evidence to suggest that Sean Spicer was involved in Trump-Russia collusion in any way. However, he is believed to have participated in numerous meetings and conversations in which Donald Trump committed obstruction of justice by trying to impede the Trump-Russia investigation, making him a key witness. Spicer, who still seems loyal to Trump, may be flipping out because he just realized his own notes could end up helping to take Trump down.

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