Russian mafia figure Felix Sater now appears to be blackmailing Donald Trump on Putin’s behalf

In a bizarre new twist to the deepening Trump-Russia scandal, it appears Vladimir Putin is now using a Russian mafia figure โ€“ who once stabbed a man in the face โ€“ to blackmail Donald Trump into ousting the president of the Ukraine so his replacement can surrender Crimea to Russia. That’s the upshot of a new revelation which also involves Trump’s previously Russia-implicated implicated attorney Michael Cohen, and naturally, the recently exposed Russian operative Michael Flynn.

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Just before Michael Flynn resigned as Trump’s National Security Adviser last week, Donald Trump’s longtime attorney Michael Cohen hand delivered a written policy proposal to Flynn’s office. It proposed that Trump use Russian blackmail material in order to take down current Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko. The policy seems to have come at the behest of the Kremlin, and only benefits Russia while accomplishing nothing for the United States โ€“ suggesting that Russia is now exploiting the control over Trump. The policy was crafted in part by Andrii Artemenko โ€“ the Ukrainian politician who appears to be a Kremlin puppet, as he wants to become the next Ukrainian president and promptly cede Crimea to Russia. But the policy was also crafted in part by Felix Sater, a Russian who has previously done business with Trump and whose criminal history is stunning.

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Even as the New York Times has freshly documented the above bizarre story involving Felix Sater helping to blackmail Donald Trump into blackmailing the Ukrainian president, others have exposed Sater’s astonishing past. For instance the Washington Post has documented that Sater spent a year in prison after stabbing a man in the face with a margarita glass. And Forbes says Sater has also been convicted of mafia related financial crimes.

So now we have homicidal Russian mafia figure, who has done financial business with Donald Trump in the past, being used as some kind of go-between for the Kremlin to use whatever blackmail material it has on Trump, for the purpose of convincing him to take down the president of the Ukraine. Oh, and since Sater has had past financial dealings with both Trump an the Russian mafia, does that mean Trump is in debt to the Russian mafia? Is that what this whole saga has really all been about? Contribute to Palmer Report

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