Republican leader: Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is a “dick”

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Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is currently facing difficulties on a number of fronts. He hired a criminal defense attorney because he’s knee deep in the Russia scandal, who then realized it was such a mess that she resigned. His finances are being investigated as part of that scandal. And, as it turns out, even the Republican Party leadership seems to have a rather low opinion of him.

That’s the word according to political insider Jon Cooper of the Democratic Coalition Against Trump, who shared the following today: “Senior GOP source: ‘Jared’s a dick.'” (link). Cooper then added “Yes, we all know that already. But it’s nice to get independent confirmation.” It’s not clear what specifically prompted the Republican leader to lash out at Jared Kushner. But in general Kushner has created resentment across the board for the manner in which he’s usurped power within Donald Trump’s White House, stepping on the toes of everyone else within the administration in the process.

Kushner has presumably used his unchecked power to run roughshod over the GOP leadership behind closed doors as well, as Trump continiues to allow him to do whatever he wants. Critics have condemned Kushner’s White House role as being everything from nepotism to despotism. Trump also inexplicably has his daughter Ivanka, Jared Kushner’s wife, working in the White House in a prominent but poorly defined role which has led to widespread criticism.

Best anyone can tell, Kushner’s broad base of power within the White House hasn’t led to him accomplishing anything in terms of his goals. But it’s becoming clear that he is managing to pull off something of a rare feat: he’s alienating everyone on his own side, while simultaneously garnering the ire of the anti-Trump resistance. If you’re a regular reader, feel free to support Palmer Report

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