Mike Pence’s AOL email scandal is back again, and this time it could take him down

Back in November, Palmer Report brought you the story of Mike Pence’s email scandal, which at the time was largely only making headlines in his home state of Indiana (link). Pence had been using an America Online email account to conduct state business while he was Governor. The scandal died down after he went to court and was successful in temporarily blocking the release of those emails. But nine months later, that effort has now failed.

Mike Pence has ultimately had to turn over his AOL emails to the State of Indiana, which is now about to release them to the public, according to a new report from the prominent local Indy Star newspaper (link). It’s still not known what’s in these emails. But Pence’s decision to go to court in November to suppress their release, knowing how bad it would look that he was trying to hide private emails after he had just finished attacking Hillary Clinton over her emails – particularly at a time when he was supposed to be busy running Donald Trump’s transition team – has long stood out as suspicious.

It stands to reason that Mike Pence cared a great deal about making sure the contents of these emails never saw the light of day. Was he trying to hide something scandalous, illegal, or just personally embarrassing? It looks like we’re about to find out. And it comes at a particularly tricky time for Pence, as it’s just been revealed that he’s gearing up to run for president in 2020 (link) under the presumption that Donald Trump will be sunk by then.

Meanwhile, as we reported last week, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s latest moves suggest that he might end up taking down Mike Pence in addition to Donald Trump (link), based on Pence’s role in the Russia coverup. And now on top of it, Pence’s email scandal is suddenly back as well.

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