Lindsey Graham probably shouldn’t have admitted this about Donald Trump

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Would you want to be close friends with someone who scared the living heck out of you? Someone who made your blood turn cold, your instincts scream bloody murder? Would you want that person to be a big part of your life? If you’re sane, the answer to that question would be no.

However, it appears that someone familiar to us might not be sane because this person has a different take on this meaningful question. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is coming clean about one of the REAL reasons he so admires Trump.

Actually, “admires” is kind of a weak word for whatever it is Graham felt or still feels for the lord of the lies. Lindsey Graham appeared to think Trump hung the moon and the stars — the South Carolinian was absolutely fixated — worshipful toward the orange beast in ways that still baffle all of us.

But Lindsey has his reasons. And he is coming clean about one of them. Graham said he dug Trump because Trump scared him — he feared the insurrectionist. “You know what I liked about Trump?” Graham said effusively at the faith and freedom coalition in Nashville, Tennessee.

“Everybody was afraid of him, including me,” the Senator explained. “Don’t cross him,” Graham went on. “Don’t you miss that?” he asked forlornly? “Don’t you miss an America that people respected and were a little bit afraid of?” Well, no, Senator, actually, I don’t. I do not want to fear my leaders. I want to respect them. I want to admire them.

There is something deeply wrong with Senator Graham. I always try not to judge people, but why on earth would anyone want a friend they could never cross — never challenge? How boring would that be?

And how dreadful it would be to be in a constant state of fear — a state of anxiety brought on by one close to you — who is supposed to care about you but instead enjoys making you cringe in terror? Who would want that? Evidently — Lindsey Graham would, And it is just sad.

Does he not remember the good old days of his friendship with Senator John McCain? I am pretty sure McCain would not want his friends to fear him.
Graham needs a wake-up call — he’s asleep at the wheel.

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