Donald Trump Jr squeals, incriminates key Trump adviser, may have just incriminated Donald Trump too

Donald Trump Jr testified in private for several hours today before the House Intelligence Committee, and according to major media reports now surfacing, he squealed like a pig. Junior directly incriminated a key Trump White House adviser in the Russia scandal, and in so doing, he probably just incriminated his father Donald Trump as well. All hell has suddenly broken loose within Trump’s own ranks and indeed within his own family, and it’s unclear what’s about to happen next. Here’s what we know so far.

During his testimony today, Donald Trump Jr admitted that he told Hope Hicks about his Trump Tower meeting with the Russian government, according to CNN reporter Manu Raju. This means that when Hicks later discussed the coverup with Donald Trump, she was well aware of the crime that had transpired. It means she’s facing obstruction of justice charges. There are still conflicting reports as to whether Hicks has already been interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. If she has lied about this to Mueller, then she’s committed another felony. But the bigger story here is that Junior may have just incriminated his father.

Hope Hicks was the singular campaign conduit for getting crucial information to Donald Trump, who does not use email. The only reason for any Trump campaign adviser to have emailed important details to Hicks is if that person was trying to make sure that Trump saw it. In other words, Donald Trump Jr emailed Hicks about his Russia meeting because he wanted his father to know. Considering the importance of the meeting, and the fact that Trump’s son was involved, it’s nearly a given that Hicks told Trump.

Now that the Trump family is officially selling out Hope Hicks, it seems likely she’ll sell them out in return by testifying that she told Donald Trump about the Donald Trump Jr meeting with Russia. Can her plea deal be far behind?

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