Ivanka Trump now under investigation for foreign business ties

If any member of the Trump family isn’t being investigated for alleged or potential crimes, can they please raise their hand? At the end of a week which has seen Donald Trump, Eric Trump, and Jared Kushner all brought under investigation in one form or another, now we can add another member of the family to the list: Ivanka Trump is being investigated for her foreign business ties.

That’s the word from political insider Scott Dworkin, whose group the Democratic Coalition Against Trump has launched an investigation into Ivanka Trump for her “Russian, Chinese, African & Middle Eastern biz ties” (link). The group isn’t giving away its hand just yet by providing additional details. But this does come shortly after activists mysteriously disappeared who had been investigating the overseas factories in which Ivanka Trump branded products are manufactured.

This comes just days after Special Counsel Robert Mueller was confirmed to be investigating Donald Trump for obstruction of justice in relation to his firing of FBI Director James Comey, as well as investigating Ivanka Trump’s husband Jared Kushner for potential financial ties to Russian banks. It was also revealed this week that the State Attorney General of New York is investigating Eric Trump’s charity, which Donald Trump appears to have been abusing in a for-profit manner. Donald Trump Junior is not known to be under investigation, but he did slip up this week and admit that Comey was telling the truth about the circumstances of his firing.

There has long been the hypothetical question of whether Donald Trump would be willing to preemptively resign in the hope of protecting his own children from being taken down by investigations into their shared business ventures. With most of the key members of the Trump family now being investigated for alleged or potential crimes in one manner or another, that question is no longer a hypothetical one. Now we see how Trump decides to play this bad hand.

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