“Coming apart:” new Fox News poll has Donald Trump and Mike Pence both crashing and burning

If you’re Donald Trump, with your approval rating in the toilet and your scandals exploding by the day, all you’ve got left is the new car smell on your presidency. And if you’re Mike Pence, the only hope you’ve got left is to be seen as presidential so you might inherit the job once Trump is finally thrown out. But according to the latest Fox News poll, both men are in more dire trouble than ever.

The new poll from Fox News has Donald Trump’s approval rating at 40% overall (link), which is just above the 39% approval he’s getting in the Gallup poll and the 37% approval he’s getting in the Reuters poll (link). These numbers are historically low for this early in a presidency. And the numbers are probably even lower than reported in any of these polls, considering the number of people who voted for Trump and can now see that he’s failed at the job, but aren’t yet ready to publicly admit their mistake to a pollster. But the Fox News data gets worse for him.

When asked whether they think Donald Trump’s presidency is “coming apart,” a majority of respondents – 53% – say that yes it is in fact coming apart. Considering that he’s only been in office for around four months, that’s a stunningly swift conclusion. And it turns out Trump is crashing and burning so badly that he’s taking his vice president down with him.

That same Fox News poll has Pence’s approval rating dropping all the way to 42%, down eight points from last month. This points to the American public increasingly viewing Trump and Pence as the same entity, and it suggests that as Trump continues to fall apart and lose support, Pence will bottom out in popularity with him. So if Pence has any delusions about riding in a white horse and being seen as a savior after Trump is inevitably ousted, he might want to think again. Follow Palmer Report on Facebook and Twitter.

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