Eminem angrily delivers what might be the most devastating takedown of Donald Trump to date

Thus far this week we’ve seen everyone from a Republican Senator to foreign leaders call out Donald Trump for his, well, bullshit. But now one of the most devastating takedowns of Trump is coming from rapper Eminem – and it’s a moment you’ll want to pay attention to whether or not you’re a fan of Eminem or hip hop, because it nails Trump with a stunning level of detailed accuracy.

Eminem appears in a four minute video which first aired at the BET Awards tonight, but has since been posted online. He starts off by quoting Trump’s “calm before the storm” line, but then proceeds to launch into his own blistering critique: “We’d better give Obama props ’cause what we’ve got in office now a kamikaze that’ll probably cause a nuclear holocaust – and while the drama pops and he waits for shit to quiet down, he’ll just cast his plane up and fly around until the bombing stops.” It gets more devastating from there, eviscerating Trump over his policies and his madness.

You can watch Eminem’s full takedown of Donald Trump below (link):

This means of course that tomorrow morning, or however long it takes for the increasingly isolated Donald Trump to get wind of this video, he’ll begin tweeting toxic garbage about Eminem. Thus far this week, Trump has already challenged his own Secretary of State to an IQ test, launched a personal attack on a Republican Senator, and falsely claimed that the media is reporting he’s preparing to fire his Chief of Staff just so he could refute the story he’d made up.

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