Donald Trump’s video of himself beating up CNN was created by a violent racist who loves the N-word

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This morning Donald Trump posted a video of himself physically assaulting CNN, which was part real and part fake. Trump really did mock-attack pro wrestling figure Vince McMahon years ago, as part of a choreographed stunt for television. The CNN logo was simply edited onto McMahon’s face by someone. That “someone” has now been identified โ€“ and it’s a bona fide racist who uses the n-word while encouraging gun violence.

Political author Brian Klaas was able to determine that the newly CNN-ized version of Trump’s old wrestling video was created by a user of the social network Reddit. The user only identifies himself on Reddit as “HanAssholeSolo” so you can probably see where this is going. According to the user, “I wake up and have my morning coffee and who retweets my shitpost but the MAGA EMPORER (sic) himself! I am honored!” But his lack of respect for Star Wars and his lack of spelling skills are just the beginning of this guy’s problems.

According to a screen capture posted by Klaas, the individual who created the CNN version of the video has used the n-word at least six times on Reddit, and in at least one instance he advocated gun violence toward African-Americans: “Carry a gun aka n—-r repellant.”

This is not the first time in which Donald Trump and his team have been accused of using foul propaganda that came from this particular pro-Trump subdivision of Reddit. What’s notable here is that the individual who added the CNN logo is confirming that his version didn’t include audio. That means someone on Trump’s end went back and re-added the original audio from the old wrestling clip. Donald Trump obviously lacks such skills. So this wasn’t simply a matter of Trump finding something on Reddit and tweeting it. Someone in Trump’s camp prepped this video for him before he tweeted it. You can find Klaas’ Reddit screenshots here.

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