Donald Trump demands that would-be cabinet pick Mitt Romney publicly apologize to him

In the two weeks since Donald Trump has been claiming the title of “president-elect” and attempting to put forward a roster of cabinet picks, he’s faced a steep challenge: virtually no one who is qualified or respectable wants to be a part of his administration. Most military leaders think he’s nuts. Legitimate Republicans and Democrats are afraid of going down with the ship. But for some reason, Mitt Romney has agreed to meet with Trump about a job. Now it turns out Trump is on his way to chasing Romney away as well.
Eyebrows were raised when Mitt Romney met with Donald Trump to discuss the Secretary of State position. It came as a surprise, because Romney would be the first non-extremist person named to any Trump position, after the likes of white supremacist Steve Bannon and crazy person Michael Flynn have led the list thus far. But it was even more shocking because Romney had spent the 2016 election publicly railing against the idea of Trump being the Republican nominee, at one point even referring to him as a third grader.
But now it turns out Mitt Romney is being told by Donald Trump’s representatives that he’ll have to publicly apologize to Trump for the earlier comments, before Trump would even consider offering him the job of Secretary of State, as being reported by The Hill. Considering that unraveling Trump needs the credibility boost of hiring someone like Romney far more than Romney needs the job, this could end up being a deal breaker.