Donald Trump abruptly fires White House cybersecurity chief, has him escorted out of building

Donald Trump is on yet another White House firing spree, and this time the implications are even stranger than ever. Trump has already fired the acting Attorney General of the United States for refusing to break the law, and he fired the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement on the same night. But now it turns out Trump has fired the guy who was in personally charge of keeping him from getting cyber hacked.
The official title of Cory Louie, the man who was fired, was “chief information security officer for the White House’s Executive Office of the President.” That’s a mouthful, but his job was protect Donald Trump and other top White House people from getting hacked. Whatever went down, Louie was escorted out of the building after being terminated, adding to the intrigue. And it raises all kinds of red flags as to what was really behind his abrupt firing, just weeks into the Trump administration.
The cybersecurity chief had been hired by President Barack Obama, and was one of the many Obama holdovers in the Trump White House, due to the Trump administration’s inability to staff up the place. So while Cory Louie’s departure may have fit within Donald Trump’s general desire to stick it to Obama in any real or perceived way that he can, it’s the dramatic nature of his exit which points to something deeper going on.
Even more strangely, this White House firing took place several days ago and is just leaking out now, as ZDNET has reported, and yet apparently no one has been brought in to take his place. That suggests that the firing was less about Trump wanting his own person in the job, and more about simply wanting to run this guy out of the building in dramatic fashion. Even more strangely, there now appears to be no one in the White House in charge of making sure Trump and his computing devices don’t get hacked.
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