Betting odds on the next person out the door of Donald Trump’s crumbling White House

It’s been a week since White House Communications Director Mike Dubke resigned, the third person to hold that title since Donald Trump took office, and his replacement still hasn’t been announced because no one wants the job. Kellyanne Conway’s husband just announced he’s not taking the White House job that had been offered to him. Sean Spicer has vanished, and others are also in trouble. Here are our latest betting odds on who’s likely to be the next to depart Trump’s crumbling White House.

Reince Priebus: 3-to-1: When one player is failing, you replace that player. When the entire team is failing, you replace the coach. Reince, as White House Chief of Staff, is the head coach of Donald Trump’s dying White House. It’s not necessarily his fault; seemingly no one can succeed under Trump’s chaotic and demented lack of leadership. But Reince is the most likely (next) scapegoat.

Sean Spicer: 5-to-1: He’s been MIA from the briefing room this week, amid the never-ending rumors that he’s got one foot out the door. Is he in the witness protection program? Is he once again hiding in the bushes? No one knows. But we don’t think he’ll be fired at this time for one reason: there’s currently no White House Communications Director. Trump has to fill that role before he can dump his embattled Press Secretary.

Kellyanne Conway: 10-to-1: Her husband’s decision to turn down the White House job could be seen as a hint that she isn’t expecting to be in the White House for the long term either. Then again, she no longer appears to have any White House role, so it may be difficult to get fired from a job that doesn’t exist.

Omarosa Manigault: 15-to-1: The former Apprentice contestant has quietly held a job inside Donald Trump’s White House, managing to avoid the nonstop controversy that some of her colleagues have faced, and there’s been nothing to suggest that her job is in jeopardy. But when Trump wakes up today and learns that someone named “Reality Winner” has leaked embarrassing secrets about him to the media, we’re legitimately concerned that he might end up firing Omarosa by mistake.

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