ACLU rubs it in after Donald Trump’s arrogant tweet blows his legal argument for Muslim ban

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Donald Trump was so eager to use Saturday night’s London Bridge attack to promote his Muslim ban, he couldn’t help himself and immediately jumped on Twitter. But in the process he arrogantly committed a cardinal sin that blew his entire legal argument for his ban. In fact Trump’s self inflicted wound was so blatant that the ACLU couldn’t help but rub it in.

Moments after the attack, when Donald Trump clearly had no idea what was going on in London and had just resorted to retweeting an unsubstantiated rumor from Drudge Report, he hastily posted the following tweet: “We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!”

The problem is that the Trump administration keeps trying to make the argument that the Muslim ban is neither a ban nor targeted at Muslims. But federal judges keep pointing back to Donald Trump’s own words during the campaign as evidence that no matter how the administration tries to repackage it, Trump’s intent is still a Muslim ban. This week Trump asked the Supreme Court to rule definitively on the issue. But his tweet tonight just blew any legal argument he might have had left. The ACLU pointed out how:

Trump’s narrow remaining legal argument, that the things he said during the campaign shouldn’t apply to his time in office, just went out the window. Because now Trump the office holder is admitting that it really is intended as a ban. Right now, the ACLU and others fighting against the ban in court have got to be licking their chops, because Trump just handed them legal status on a silver platter. Follow Palmer Report on Facebook and Twitter. If you’re a regular reader, feel free to support Palmer Report

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