White House insider: Donald Trump looking to replace Sean Spicer with Jeffrey Lord

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It’s become clear even to outsiders that Sean Spicer already has one foot out the White House door. His credibility is gone after a series of lies, and now SNL has buried him. This week he lost his more senior title of Communications Director, and is now strictly Press Secretary. But insiders say Spicer isn’t long for that role either, and Donald Trump is looking to replace him with someone who would be just as ill suited but whose appeal to Trump is more obvious.

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If you’ve watched Jeffrey Lord in his role as a political commentator on CNN, you’re aware that he more or less solely serves the role of justifying Donald Trump’s every move. Lord has repeatedly made clear on-air that he sees nothing objectionable about Trump’s various racist and sexist words and deeds. And in fact Lord, who was a former advisor in the Reagan White House, has rouintely tried to position Trump as being the new Ronald Reagan – even as most of his liberal and conservative counterparts at CNN roll their eyes. But they may not have to sit next to him much longer.

We know Trump watches CNN every day, despite his routine insistence that it’s “fake news.” He’s surely taken notice of the fact that Jeffrey Lord is just about the only commentator on CNN who consistently kisses Trump’s ass, and tries to make his misdeeds and missteps sound palatable. So it’s not a huge surprise to hear a rogue White House Twitter account, which has thus far proven itself accurate on multiple occasions, now leaking that Trump is looking to replace Spicer with Lord.

What’s less clear is whether Jeffrey Lord, who hasn’t worked in an administration in decades, would want to give up his seemingly cushy CNN analyst role in order to cast himself into the pulp grinder that is the chaotic and failing Donald Trump White House. But Lord in the briefing room could create a whole new nightmare for the media. Or as the White House leaker puts it: “Please don’t let this happen.”

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