Donald Trump’s violent demented story about chopping up young girls may be his sickest moment yet

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What in the name of hell is wrong with this violently deranged maniac? Yes, it’s a rhetorical question, but things have somehow reached a horrifying and frankly sobering new low. Donald Trump spoke at a rally in Ohio on Tuesday night, and as per usual, he aimlessly wandered far away from the intended text of his speech. But in this instance, he began speaking about specific and graphic acts of violence against teenage girls as a way of trying to promote his racism.

Here’s a portion of what Trump said this evening about undocumented immigrants (link): “The predators and criminal aliens who poison our communities with drugs and prey on innocent young people. These beautiful, beautiful innocent people will find no safe haven anywhere in our country. And you’ve seen the stories about some of these animals. They don’t want to use guns because it’s too fast and not painful enough. So they’ll take a young, beautiful girl, sixteen, fifteen and others. And they slice ’em and dice ’em with a knife because they want them to go through excruciating pain before they die.”

There are distinct things at play here. On one level, Donald Trump is โ€“ as per his custom โ€“ making up random baseless stories about immigrants to try to scare racist white people into supporting him. But on another level, the above rant reads like something from the pages of a fictional horror novel. Mentally stable people don’t invent imaginary stories this demented and then try to sell them as being real. This suggests that the violent graphic imagery Trump is describing is something that he himself lusts after on at least a subconscious level.

America is not safe with a man as profoundly mentally deranged as Donald Trump walking down the sidewalk, let alone occupying the office of President of the United States. Tuesday night’s speech was an ironclad argument for the 25th Amendment to be immediately invoked.

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