New emails show we cut Donald Trump’s balls off during the Muslim Ban and we didn’t even know it

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When the Daily Beast story first broke last night which revealed that Donald Trump had used the Muslim Ban implementation as an attempt at destroying Congress and taking over the nation in fascist fashion, I was as shocked and outraged as anyone. In fact I wrote a scathing opinion piece detailing just how horrified I was (link). But then I realized something: that was also the day we destroyed Trump, and we didn’t even fully know it until now.

Here’s the thing. When Donald Trump first took office, he immediately tried a full scale fascist takeover. The Muslim Ban was just a cover. He secretly tried to prevent Congress from being able to access the travelers who were being illegally held. He even tried to cut them off from so much as being able to access any information about what was going on. He was trying to strip their Constitutionally-granted power in real time. This was an attempted coup de etat against U.S. elected officials, a stab at scrapping our democracy in favor of a singular fascist rule. And it failed, because we made it fail.

We flooded the airports and took them over. We took over the streets as well. We shut this country down, because we weren’t about to let Donald Trump turn America into the racist xenophobic hellhole that he wanted it to be. We the people made it safe for members of Congress to walk into airports, because the agents running the fiasco were more afraid of us than they were of Trump. We’re the reason Congressmen didn’t get arrested for doing their jobs that day. We also funded the ACLU in record fashion, so it could march into court and get the Muslim Ban shut down before it truly got underway. What we’re just now learning is that in so doing, we managed to shut down Donald Trump’s ambitious fascist takeover in the process.

Since that time, Donald Trump and his regime have continued to try to violate our nation. But they’ve been playing it safe, pulling more punches, playing defense. Now we’re learning that we didn’t just save the travelers that day, we saved democracy. We cut Trump’s fascist balls off on nearly day one, and we didn’t even know it until now. The battles we’ve been fighting and winning have been even more important – and successful – than we thought. The original Daily Beast article is here.

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