As the Trump-Russia scandal explodes, Roger Stone is having an epic meltdown

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Donald Trump’s Russia scandal is rapidly in the process of coming full circle. Carter Page has been revealed to have been talking with the Feds all along. One day after that news broke, Paul Manafort finally registered as a foreign agent. And Trump himself has suddenly taken to defending himself against Russian collusion in oddly specific fashion. But while everyone runs for cover from the impending tidal wave, Roger Stone seems to have decided to go out with a bang. He’s suddenly agreed to testify before the House Intel Committee – and ahead of his testimony he’s having a surreal meltdown.

On his Twitter page, Roger Stone is suddenly attacking widely respected former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, calling her a “nasty witch.” He’s also attacking President Obama in a manner which has something to do with blue jeans. But more strangely, Stone is directly attacking members of the House Intel Committee before which he’s agreed to testify.

For instance Stone just tweeted “I cannot wait to expose the lies of Dems on the House Intell Committee-serial lies by Adam Schiff and lightweight asswipe Eric Swalwell.” If Stone tries referring to Swalwell or other members of the committee in such fashion during his testimony, he’s very likely to leave in handcuffs after being arrested for contempt of Congress. But then he’s going to prison in this scandal one way or the other.

Roger Stone has recently published a book about the Donald Trump campaign, and he’s presumably acting out in this manner partly to try to drum up publicity for his book. But that said, he’s already admitted to having regularly communicated with the Russian hacker who rigged the election for Trump, which means he’s going to prison when the scandal is all said and done – and at his advanced age he probably won’t outlive his sentence. So is meltdown a sign that he knows his life is over and he’s looking to go down in flames?

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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