Donald Trump and the gang that couldn’t stab straight

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In the end, the only thing that might save America from Donald Trump’s unlimited evil is his unlimited incompetence. Since illegitimately hijacking the White House, Trump and his lawless posse have demonstrated a limitless desire to degrade the nation in every way possible. And yet there’s not one among them with any real level of competence in trying to pull it off. In fact they seem more interested in destroying each other.

There’s no greater embodiment of this than Anthony Scaramucci, who in his one week as Donald Trump’s most favored adviser has revealed that he has absolutely no idea what he’s doing and no capacity to learn. Instead he’s simply running from one end of the White House to the other, setting random people on fire just to prove that he can. This is, of course, the guy who refers to himself as the front-stabber. But Scaramucci is a mere symptom of what’s plagued Trump and his gang from the start.

Rex Tillerson is now taking time off from being Secretary of State, as if the job were a hobby, because he’s upset over Donald Trump’s Boy Scouts speech. Every reasonable person watching at home was offended by that speech as well, but they still had to show up for work the next morning. Yet these are the kinds of amateur hour people Trump has surrounded himself with.

Steve Bannon has no role, other than to continually shovel racist ideas at Donald Trump in the hope he’ll like them. Bannon, a genuine white supremacist, falls in and out of favor depending on whether Trump feels like using racism as a political strategy in any given week. Jared Kushner is in charge of every Trump initiative, or no Trump initiatives, depending on what day of the week it is. Kellyanne Conway has no known role beyond intermittently appearing on television and embarrassing herself.

Omarosa from The Apprentice has a job in Trump’s White House, but no one seems to really know what it is, most probably including her. No one seems sure if Ben Carson is even showing up for his job as HUD Secretary, and considering the skills and intellect that he (doesn’t) bring to the table, it probably doesn’t matter anyway. In hindsight, Sean Spicer, who by real world standards was a grossly incompetent punchline every single day until he resigned, was an upstanding professional in comparison to what he leaves behind in Trump’s cesspool of a White House.

Trump and his gang of lowlifes never truly expected to get the opportunity to take over the White House, and must have put no thought into what they’d do if they ever got there. Since the Russian government handed it to them, they’ve never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity. They are one of the most evil regimes to ever control a major nation. Yet they are also, almost certainly, the most incompetent. As they seem to love talking about stabbing) so much, we’ll dub them the gang that couldn’t stab straight. If you find Palmer Report valuable, make a donation.

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