Sebastian Gorka picked a fight with Congressman Ted Lieu. Guess who won.

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U.S. Congressman Ted Lieu is best known as an Air Force veteran who has emerged as a leading voice in the Resistance against Donald Trump. Sebastian Gorka is an alleged neo-Nazi and confirmed racist who was recently fired by Trump, because he was too racist even by Trump’s racist standards. Gorka tried to pick a fight with Lieu, and let’s just say that it didn’t go particularly well for Gorka.

CNN reported the news that Russia had bought Facebook ads during the election targeting voters in Michigan and Wisconsin. Congressman Lieu posted that news to his Twitter account, sarcastically adding “Russian-linked Facebook strategy mirroring the internal Trump campaign strategy is coincidence number 1,879 in Trump Russia investigation.” This prompted Sebastian Gorka to explode at him.

Gorka tweeted “What a grade A imbecile. The fact that the FB purchase were reinforcing DEMOCRAT narratives is irrelevant I guess.” Of course this was a flat out lie, as the Russian Facebook ads were racist in nature and were aimed at motivating white conservatives into voting for Trump. This merely set up Lieu for the easy slam dunk, tweeting “Dear Seb Gorka: Anti-Muslim ads were not Democratic narratives. Also, feel free to call me an imbecile. At least I wasn’t fired by one.”

So there you have it. Sebastian Gorka’s angry, insulting, and wildly dishonest reaction to the news seemed to be a giveaway that he knew just how bad this latest news was for the Donald Trump regime. It’s also a reminder that Trump has so thoroughly disgraced himself while holding the office of President of the United States, a respected U.S. Congressman like Ted Lieu can now get away with calling him an “imbecile” without eliciting controversy. This comes shortly after NBA star LeBron James called Trump a “bum” and also faced no controversy for it.

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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