Donald Trump can’t stop using random incorrect words as his brain function implodes

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Donald Trump and his illegitimate presidency are a joke โ€“ just not the funny kind. However, when it comes to Trump’s declining mental function, the temptation to joke about it is rapidly giving way to the sober reality that his brain function is simply imploding. It’s all too convenient to make that kind of accusation about someone you think is simply dumb or abhorrent, but this is very much real. Two new examples point to just how far gone he is.

Here’s an actual quote from a speech Donald Trump gave on Friday: “We see this spirit in the men and women who selflessly enlist in our armed forces and, really, who go out and risk their lives for God and for country. And we see it in the mothers and the fathers who get up at the crack of dawn; they work two jobs and sometimes three jobs. They sacrifice every day for the furniture and — future of their children.” There’s no doubt he said “furniture” because it’s right there in the White House transcript (link). Okay, so he misspoke. Big deal. But this is now the rule, not the exception.

Here’s another quote from Trump’s speech to his cabinet on Monday: “A great trust has been placed upon each member of our Cabinet. We have a Cabinet that — there are those that are saying it’s one of the finest group of people ever assembled as a candidate — as a Cabinet.” Again, this is verified in the official White House transcript (link). He’s declined to the point where he now routinely says random wrong words that just happen to start with the same letter as the word he was aiming for. This is part of a much larger recent pattern of Trump’s mental capacity decline.

Donald Trump wandered out of a signing ceremony over the weekend without bothering to sign anything, and had to be brought back in. This week he claimed to have long-term respect for James Lee Witt, a man whom his own staff confirms he’d never even heard of, even as he was praising Witt for a quote that Witt never said. Yesterday he came out strongly for and strongly against a piece of legislation during the course of the same press conference. His own staff admitted this week that he’s “lost a step” mentally. No kidding. In addition to everything else that’s wrong with Trump, he’s gone fully senile.

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