Jared Kushner and Jeff Sessions are suddenly obsessed with prison

Donald Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort and campaign adviser Rick Gates are currently awaiting trial and hoping to avoid going to prison for their roles in the Russia scandal. Trump’s National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has cut a plea deal against Trump to try to keep himself out of prison for his role in the Russia scandal. At this point the biggest question is who else in Trump’s orbit will also end up looking at prison. So it’s notable that Jared Kushner and Jeff Sessions are suddenly obsessed with prison.

Jeff Sessions, a white supremacist who seems to have no greater goal in life than to put as many black people in prison as possible, and Jared Kushner, who has never expressed any interest in prison conditions one way or the other, have suddenly teamed up to try to reform prison conditions. Suddenly, it’s hitting the newswires that Kushner has supposedly been working behind the scenes for the past six months to try to make prison a better place (link). The optics here are hilarious, but the implications of this development may indeed tell us something about the Trump-Russia investigation.

Sessions has been caught lying under oath about Russia during his Senate confirmation hearings, a felony. Kushner has been caught lying on his government security forms about Russia, also a felony. The only plausible reason Mueller hasn’t arrested these two men yet is that he’s still building more sophisticated cases that bring more serious criminal charges against them for their secret Russia meetings and other activities. In fact, now that Flynn has cut his deal, many are expecting Kushner and Sessions to be the next to get arrested. And now they’re talking prison reform?

Come on. This is absurd, even by the all-time absurd standards set by the Donald Trump regime. Even if Jared Kushner and Jeff Sessions aren’t trying to make prison conditions better for their own eventual benefit, did they not stop and think about how this initiative would look right now? Is it possible that anyone is this stupid? Oh right, we already know that answer.

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