Donald Trump’s advisers think Paul Manafort is going to be indicted. He’ll take Trump down with him.

If you’re looking to gauge how much legal trouble Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is in, just ask those who used to work for him. Multiple Trump campaign advisers are now admitting that they think Manafort is going to be indicted for financial crimes. At this point, if Manafort is indicted, he’ll take Trump down with him.
Unnamed Trump campaign advisers are now admitting to conservative site Daily Caller that they expect Manafort will be indicted for crimes such as money laundering (link). Federal prosecutors like Robert Mueller don’t bring indictments unless they have an airtight case they know they’re going to win. So if these Trump advisers are correct, it means Manafort is going down. Based on other recent reporting, it also means that Manafort will be left with no choice but to flip on Trump, because Mueller has already set it up such that Trump will not be able to pardon him.
Last week it was reported by Politico that Robert Mueller has teamed up with the New York Attorney General to bring a state level case against Manafort, because the president cannot pardon anyone on state level crimes (link). That leaves Manafort with two options: spend the rest of his life in prison, or begin blabbing about what was really going on behind the scenes with Donald Trump and his campaign and Russia during the election.
When you put all of the above together, you end up with a rather straightforward conclusion: if these Trump campaign advisers are correct that Paul Manafort is going to be indicted, then he’ll end up taking Trump down with him. There is no one on any side who believes that Manafort, a cutthroat political mercenary with no allegiance to anyone, is willing to go to prison to protect Donald Trump.