If it makes you feel any better, James Comey is going down

It’s a day late, a dollar short, and it won’t do a damn thing to change the result of the election or keep Russian traitor Donald Trump from taking office. But if it makes you feel any better, James Comey – the rogue FBI Director who successfully manipulated the presidential election in Trump’s with a series of misleading letters about Hillary Clinton – is about to be taken to the cleaners by the Department of Justice Inspector General.

In a surprise move the DOJ Inspector General, who operates outside of the president’s purview and can essentially do anything he wants, announced today that he’s launching an investigation into Comey’s first letter about Clinton. It came just eleven days before Election Day and shifted the public’s perception of the race, prompting many voters and would-be voters to that Clinton may have been about to go down for a federal crime. By the time Comey sent a second letter nine days later which tacitly acknowledged that he had more or less made up the entire thing, the damage was done.

But James Comey, whose ten year term as FBI Director isn’t set to expire until the year 2024, is now likely a goner long before that time. The DOJ Inspector General has the authority and visibility to turn Comey’s election-tampering antics into such a prominent scandal that Comey will end up having to resign. And even then, the Inspector General can still push for criminal charges against Comey, if he concludes that criminal intent was involved.

The sudden likelihood of James Comey losing his job over his election tampering, and even the possibility of him ending up behind bars, won’t undo the damage he’s done. Russian traitor Donald Trump will still take office. Hillary Clinton will still be denied the Presidency that she was winning fair and square until Comey cheated. And the United States will suffer greatly at the hand of the demented Trump. But if it makes you feel any better, Comey is now even more screwed than the rest of us are.

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