Amid his own sexual harassment scandal, Sean Hannity begins attacking Fox News executive

Just days ago, Fox News host Sean Hannity was accused of sexual harassment by one of his former guests. With this coming on the heels of Bill O’Reilly’s dismissal from the same network for a pattern of alleged sexual harassment, it’s raised the question of whether or not Hannity has a future at the network. And now it appears Hannity may be trying to take the network down with him.
The controversy began today when Gabriel Sherman of New York Magazine reported that Fox News co-president Bill Shine may be on his way out amid the O’Reilly fallout (link). This prompted Sean Hannity to weigh in on Twitter, initially tweeting that “I pray this is NOT true because if it is, that’s the total end of the [Fox News Channel] as we know it. Done” (link). But then Hannity continued tweeting, and took a much more controversial stance.
“Somebody HIGH UP AND INSIDE [Fox News Channel] is trying to get an innocent person fired,” Sean Hannity then tweeted. “I KNOW WHO it is” (link). So what’s Hannity trying to do here? It looks like Bill Shine is a goner one way or the other. Is Hannity trying to use Shine’s impending ouster as an excuse to bail, before he can be fired for sexual harassment? More specifically, is he trying to take down the unnamed Fox News higher-up with him?
During the election is was long and widely rumored that Sean Hannity might leave Fox News to become the face of the cable news network that Donald Trump was supposedly planning to launch once he finished losing the election. But due to Trump’s surprise win, none of this came to pass one way or the other. If the sexual harassment accusation and his attack on his own higher-up today are the beginning of the end of Hannity’s time at Fox News, it’s not clear that there’s another high profile landing spot out there for him. Contribute to Palmer Report