Donald Trump considers hiring Corey Lewandowski to handle White House crisis management. No, really.

By any objective measure, Donald Trump’s White House is quickly spiraling out of control – if it was ever in control to begin with. It’s been a chaotic scene from the start, with Trump’s erratic nature compounded by nonstop scandal and a general lack of anyone in the building who knows what they’re doing. So it only makes sense that Trump is looking at hiring someone to handle crisis management. But the primary name being floated is enough to drop jaws.

According to numerous sources, including MSNBC’s Robert Costa while on-air today, Donald Trump is seriously looking at hiring his former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski to come in and manage the ongoing crisis in the White House. Yes, this is the same Lewandowski whom Trump fired from his campaign for being incapable of managing the campaign.

This is the same Corey Lewandowski who was arrested during the campaign for having allegedly assaulted a female reporter who had tried to ask Trump a question. And yes, this is the same Lewandowski who recently had to quit his consulting firm amid growing allegations that the work he was doing there might have qualified him as a foreign agent.

And so even in a time of crisis so severe that it could bring down his entire administration, Donald Trump is still unwilling to hire someone competent to come in and help him survive this mess. Instead he’s hiring someone who’s personally loyal to him, as per usual, even though that person has already demonstrated that he’s fully unsuited for the job.

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