Congressman Ted Lieu tells Donald Trump he’s in “deep shit” over Russia

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United States Congressman Ted Lieu of California has a consistent habit of calling it like he sees it when it comes to Donald Trump. He’s introduced legislation to take Trump’s nuclear launch authorization away. He’s trolled Trump with a joke about “alternative facts” taped to his office door. And now Ted Lieu is flat out telling Donald Trump that he’s in “deep shit” over his worsening Russia scandal.

Congressman Lieu is highly familiar with U.S. law, having earned a judicial doctorate degree and served as a JAG officer in the Air Force. So when Donald Trump made the explosive claim on Sunday that President Barack Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower during the election, Lieu responded by explaining what Trump’s outburst really meant in legal terms: “If there was a wiretap at Trump Tower, that means a fed judge found probable cause of crime which means you are in deep shit.”

This comes amid my conclusion that Donald Trump is referring to a FISA eavesdropping warrant that a judge supposedly granted to the FBI in secret court last October, which I reported on all the way back on November 7th. Trump appears to have just gotten wind of it now, because his favorite faux-news site Breitbart served up a belated and completely inaccurate version of the story this week.

As Congressman Lieu alluded to, it is extraordinarily difficult to convince a judge to grant a FISA warrant against a United States citizen. Trump is wrong in his claim that President Obama was wiretapping him, because that’s not how anything works under the law. But if Trump is correct in his assertion that there was a FISA warrant issued for Trump Tower, then it was almost certainly due to his election rigging collusion with Russia. And it means there’s enough evidence against him that it’s likely a matter of time before he goes down for it. Deep shit indeed. Contribute to Palmer Report.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report