Chelsea Clinton schools Donald Trump over his Andrew Jackson Civil War claim

Donald Trump’s ongoing fascination with genocidally racist President Andrew Jackson has now expanded to Trump believing that Jackson lived far longer than he did, and that Jackson could have magically stopped the Civil War from happening. Even more strangely, Trump appears to believe the Civil War happened for no particular reason. Chelsea Clinton had something to say today about all of the above.

Trump gave an interview which included the following answer: “I mean had Andrew Jackson been a little later you wouldn’t have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart. He was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War, he said ‘There’s no reason for this.'” (link). This led to perplexed and stupefied reactions across social media. But Chelsea stepped in as the voice of reason.

“1 word answer: Slavery,” Chelsea Clinton tweeted in response to Trump’s surreal rambling. She continued: “Longer: When Andrew Jackson died in 1845 (16 yrs before the Civil War began), he owned 150 men, women and children” (link). After she was subjected to the usual heckling from know-nothing detractors, she replied “I’ve been to Hermitage, Andrew Jackson’s home in Tennessee. Worth visiting. Doesn’t shy away from Jackson’s slave-owning history” (link).

And so there you have it. Even with Donald Trump inexplicably occupying the Oval Office, he’s still getting schooled by the Clintons. Help fund Palmer Report

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