Donald Trump freaks out over Supreme Court announcement about his tax returns

On Friday, the Supreme Court announced that it’s taking up the case of whether Donald Trump’s accounting firm must give his tax returns to House Democrats and a New York grand jury. While the ruling may not come down until as late as June of 2020, Palmer Report pointed out it’s likely to go against Trump (think John Roberts and Obamacare), and that the ruling will end up coming down just as we’re heading into the 2020 general election cycle.

While it would have been even worse for Donald Trump if the Supreme Court had announced that it wasn’t going to take up the case at all, this is still bad news for him. The only way this could have gone well for him would have been if the high court decided to put off the decision until after the election. Sure enough, Trump is freaking out about it. We know this because he’s suddenly kissing the backside of erratic Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Trump posted this tweet: “After watching the disgraceful way that a wonderful man, Brett Kavanaugh, was treated by the Democrats, and now seeing first hand how these same Radical Left, Do Nothing Dems are treating the whole Impeachment Hoax, I understand why so many Dems are voting Republican!” Given the timing, it’s clear that Trump is pandering to Kavanaugh over the tax returns case. Kavanaugh has been voting with the liberals on a number of cases, in the hope that House Democrats won’t refer him for criminal prosecution for perjury once Trump is gone.

Donald Trump is correct to fear that Kavanaugh could end up voting against Trump in order to try to save himself. In any case, if Roberts votes against Trump on Trump’s tax returns, then Kavanaugh’s vote won’t matter. It’s clear that Trump is worried about where this is headed. Not only will the ruling impact the 2020 election, it’ll impact the New York grand jury that’s in the process of criminally indicting Trump on state charges, which will lead to his arrest the minute he’s no longer in office.

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