Prosecutor: Ukrainian conspirator Andriy Artemenko facing treason charges in Trump-Russia scandal

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This week’s bombshell revelation, involving the Kremlin’s attempt to nudge Donald Trump into ousting the president of the Ukraine, may already be seeing its first domino falling — raising questions about whom he might end up flipping on. The conspiracy involved everyone from Trump’s National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, to Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen, to convicted Russian mafia figure Felix Sater. But it’s the Ukrainian conspirator Andriy Artemenko who is now facing treason charges over it.

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The proposal, crafted by Cohen and Sater and Artemenko at the likely instruction of the Kremlin, and hand delivered by Cohen to Flynn’s office just before he resigned, would have involved Trump using Russian blackmail material to oust the president of the Ukraine, who would then be replaced by Artemenko, who would then hand Crimea over to Russia. Not surprisingly, the government of the Ukraine is viewing the conspiracy as a matter of treason, and a prosecutor in the Ukraine says that Artemenko is now on the line for treason charges, which could put him in prison for more than a decade.

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The question now becomes just what Artemenko knows about the conspiracy in which he was involved, and what he might be willing to share in order to garner leniency from the Ukrainian government. If Artemenko serves up evidence that the other participants such as Cohen or Sater were committing illegal activities, that evidence could then be used by U.S. officials to prosecute them.

Perhaps more crucially, Artemenko could potentially offer evidence that the conspiracy was orchestrated by Vladimir Putin, or that Donald Trump was in on it, which would have major political ramifications in the United States. The New York Times was the first to report on the conspiracy, while Radio Free Europe is now reporting on the treason charges which Andriy Artemenko faces over the matter. This conspiracy is unraveling by the day. Contribute to Palmer Report

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