Even more trouble for Allen Weisselberg – and the Trump family

Everyone assumes that Allen Weisselberg, as the Trump organization’s chief financial officer, was involved in or at a minimum had knowledge of, all of Trump’s financial scandals, but assumptions don’t usually get you thrown in jail or doing what the prosecutors want from him — to flip on Trump and everyone else, and cooperate in bringing them down. Fortunately though, while Trump did not have to use email or text messages, putting his constant lying and criminal conduct in writing, those working with and around him, of course, have had to do business in the 21st century. This has really put Weisselberg in the hot seat once again.

Already facing criminal investigation for tax fraud at a minimum, email records show Weisselberg was undoubtedly involved in a major Trump financial scandal — grifting by the Trump inauguration committee, one of Trump’s more easily-evidenced and understood crimes, currently being investigated by the Attorney General in Washington, DC. The previously unreported emails are attached to a little-noticed court document filed earlier this month.

This is super-bad news for Trump and others in his world already connected to the DC scandal, including his children. The complaint in DC against the Trump Organization and Trump’s Presidential Inauguration Committee (PIC) asserts the supposedly nonprofit PIC misused charitable funds to enrich the Trump family, including grossly overpaying the Trump International Hotel for event space, way above it’s own written guidelines. Now there is evidence this grift was not only coordinated with Trump’s family (complaints about the costs were even made to Ivanka, personally), but also Weisselberg.

Should Weisselberg flip on the DC scandal, he could easily bring all the Trumps down – not only in New York, but in DC as well. This major grifting scandal is purportedly also under federal investigation.

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