Donald Trump has also hired the wife of alleged White House Nazi Sebastian Gorka

Earlier this month controversy erupted when Vitezi Rend, a Hungarian Nazi group dating back to the time of Adolf Hitler, claimed that one of its sworn members is current White House counterterrorism adviser Sebastian Gorka. Gorka was a former writer at propaganda site Breitbart where he regularly posted anti-Muslim extremism. He’s gone on to deny the Nazi accusation, but it’s become a sufficiently serious matter that members of Congress are demanding answers as to whether or not there truly is a sworn Nazi working in the White House. But now it turns out Donald Trump also gave a job to Gorka’s wife – and she’s also a former Breitbart writer.

Katie Gorka, also known as Katharine Gorka, previously wrote for Breitbart and still has an author page available on the site (link). According to two different sources, Donald Trump hired her for his Department of Homeland Security transition team (link 1 and link 2). There is also confirmation in the New York Times that the two are in fact married, and don’t merely happen to have the same last name (link). We’re still attempting to determine if she has since taken a permanent job in the White House after the transition ended.

Even if it is proven that Sebastian Gorka is a sworn Nazi as alleged, that will not necessarily mean that his wife Katie Gorka is also a Nazi. But it will raise questions about whether she knew about his affiliation, and why she didn’t disclose it when she was hired by Donald Trump.

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