Chris Wallace should know better

Fox Entertainment (Fox News) has never been good, but they have had a few good reporters. Chris Wallace, still employed there, was one of them. I emphasize “was” because Wallace, for whatever inexplicable reason, seems to have gone full-on MAGA lately.
Listening to Wallace snarkily critique the Biden administration, it’s surreal. Wallace has been unfairly attacking Biden. Take what happened this week. Wallace appeared upset Biden used notes for talking points.
“Covering Ronald Reagan for six years, I never saw that,” the host exclaimed. “Watching a lot of news conferences over a lot of years, I’ve never seen that…a President in a news conference reading talking points.”
Ahem. Well, I am sure you’ve seen an insurrectionist masquerading as a President, hijacking Press conferences, Mr. Wallace. I am sure you’ve seen said insurrectionist doing everything from declaring reporters “enemies of the people” to pleasantly suggesting that ingesting bleach might be an excellent way to conquer COVID. Remember that, Mr. Wallace? No comment?
But that is not all. On Sunday, Wallace attacked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, accusing the Biden administration of being secretive regarding the border and declared the Biden administration was “being less transparent than Trump.”
Does Wallace not remember babies being ripped from their mothers’ arms? Does he not remember many were taken to “tender age” camps? How about that we didn’t even know where many of these babies and small children were at first? They were being taken silently in the middle of the night. Rachel Maddow even wept over this issue.
I am not sure what’s going on with Wallace. He may be peeved that Biden did not take any questions from his fake news network. Also, he could be seeing a rating decline and has decided to go all-in on Trump. If Wallace keeps on like this, he will lose much respect.