Chris Christie drops the hammer on Donald Trump

Chris Christie destroyed Donald Trump the other night. Christie appeared on CNN. And I must comment that he really is setting a gold standard as to how to take on Donald Trump. Christie said Trump should “be ashamed” for using public money to get his legal fees paid. Of course, shame and Trump have never met.
When asked why he thinks Trump isn’t using his own money to pay his legal fees, Christie held nothing back:
“Because he’s the cheapest person I’ve ever met in my life. What he’s very good at, Caitlin, is spending other people’s money,” Christie said. Attention Haley and Pence and all other primary candidates. This is how to do it.
Of course, I would never vote for Christie in a million years. But how nice to see SOMEONE finally taking him down Christie also mocked Trump for doing nothing on January 6 except eating a “well-done cheeseburger.”
Let’s not forget the French Fries. I’m sure they were there as well. We really need to see more of this. Sadly, most of the other Republicans running are cowards and have been doing EVERYTHING humanly possible to stay off of the name Trump.
You can see it in their faces as well. The silent begging — please don’t ask me about the traitor! Christie’s take-down was delightful to see. I just wish more Republicans would step up and do the same.