Bad news for Kyrsten Sinema

For politicians, sometimes bad news comes in their polling numbers.

And for Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, the numbers aren’t pretty.

Sinema is one of the Democratic senators who have, thus far, not budged on getting rid of the filibuster. And people are NOT happy about it, as evidenced by her horrific polling numbers.

In a new poll by Mother Jones and Data for Progress, Sinema is viewed in a positive light by a miserable 38 percent of voters.

Not good news at all.

But the news is even worse than that. Just 42 percent of Democrats view her positively.

In comparison, Senator Mark Kelly, also of Arizona, has an astonishing 75 percent approval from Democrats.
President Biden’s approval among Arizona Democrats is at 95 percent!

In the same poll, 66 percent of our Democratic friends in the Grand Canyon state said they would vote for a different Democrat in a 2024 primary.

The poll was conducted from June 28th to July 6th.

So, what do these numbers mean for Sinema? The meaning is clear and undeniable. Voters are pissed.

Her own constituency is pissed. If Sinema wants to have a long-term career in the Senate, she will have to reevaluate her outlook on several core issues, the filibuster being one of them.

One thing is certain. The numbers show she’s in trouble. And if she doesn’t improve upon her numbers, she will be VERY vulnerable to a primary challenger. I have no doubt that would happen.

So, as we attempt persuasion with Joe Manchin, let us not forget about Sinema. Her numbers are horrible, her voters are pissed, and she is looking at seriously losing her seat if she doesn’t rethink her options.

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