What is FBI Director Chris Wray doing?

Catching parts of the testimony from FBI Director Wray, I was reminded of ‘Leatherheads’ the George Clooney movie about the nascent NFL. In the film, the fictitious Duluth Bulldogs were notorious for pulling dirty trick plays. One play involved the half-back stuffing the ball under his jersey and strolling to the end-zone, unnoticed and untouched. How does this relate to Wray’s testimony? Let me explain:

Director Wray specifically stated that the advisory regarding the danger of possible domestic terror activity on January 6th – the “raw, unverified” information – had been emailed to the FBI’s joint terrorism task force and communicated verbally at a command post briefing in Washington that included Capitol and D.C. Metro Police. Verbally. He assured the Senate the warning had been posted online on a portal available to law enforcement across the country.

So, if verbal warning was given at a command post briefing, then why were the Capitol Police and DC Metro so woefully unprepared for the onslaught that occurred? What gives? Is the FBI pulling a trick play? That certainly doesn’t suit their up-right style.

I surmise that the trick play was called from the sidelines. The White House sent in the play. The play was for the Capitol Cops and DC Metro is affect a ‘relaxed’ demeanor when confronting the ‘Stop the Steal’ protestors and basically ignore the activities of the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and the other domestic terror groups.

All the heads of security on the Hill, both Sergeants-at-arms in the House and Senate as well as Chief Sund of the Capitol Police and 2 other officials resigned after the riot. As well they should have done. Why were they not prepared by the FBI warning? Did they do the ‘Old Switcheroo’; a bait and switch, of sorts? Ball? What ball?

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