We told you Donald Trump is going to prison

Donald J. Trump is going down. I’ve said his name. For a long time, his name has been treated like Voldemort’s – don’t say his name and feed his ego. His power.

Uttering his name is no longer a magic incantation. He’s about to be indicted. His name will be spoken aloud over and over in court and echoed by every news source, blog, app and media.

He will be indicted. Donald J. Trump will be indicted. Rest assured. His family members will be indicted, too. He’ll flip on them all. No one will avoid the underside of the fabled bus. He’s the ultimate worm and will turn on anyone at hand. Yes, even darling Ivanka.

He will be tried. He will be found guilty; most certainly of the financial crimes. Watching his perp-walk will be a sweet, sweet sight. Seeing his pathetic image again after months of imprisonment will be a balm for the soul. His wizen, defeated husk tottering around in inmate orange will be a Shakespearean denouement.

There is a caveat which must be addressed, though.

What must be kept in mind is this; the outcome of the prosecution, the conviction, the seizure of all assets and the imprisonment of the Orange Arsehole will be a wondrous experience. It will. But it will not bring satisfaction.

The nation was shamed by his administration. His time in office will be viewed by history as the nation’s darkest hour. His occupancy of the Oval Office was arguably an occupation of the Republic by a hostile power.

All the repulsive, destructive, heinous, egregious things committed by him in his life of self-service will not be adequately countered by his being processed through the justice system. Nevertheless, he will be indicted. Donald J. Trump will be indicted.

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