Wait, Madison Cawthorn said WHAT?

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

Every day Republicans sink lower. For example, trending on twitter is a claim North Carolina Congressman Madison Cawthorn made during a podcast that fellow Republican colleagues invited him to orgies where โ€œyou watch them do a key bump of cocaine in front of you.โ€ Mind you, Iโ€™m no prude. Having lived in Paris for seven years, any ingrained puritanical American mores I may have harbored were quickly scorned into oblivion. Nonetheless, my initial reaction to this claim by Cawthorn was, WTAF?

Then my next thought was normalization and distraction. It is sad that Republicans have conditioned us into pushing norms further and further. Many people say they are no longer shocked by Trump or Republicans. I disagree. I may no longer be surprised. But I will always be shocked.

So, why would Cawthorn make such a disgusting claim against his own colleagues? Is there a new sex scandal coming out that heโ€™s trying to get ahead of? Or, more likely, perhaps Trump called in a favor to his lackey for a big distraction before some impending new announcement. Or even a distraction from the current news of Trumpโ€™s seven hours of missing burner phone data? Or from the January 6th Select Committee obtaining dozens of texts between Ginni Thomas pleading with Trumpโ€™s White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to overturn the election 2020 presidential election results?

The interesting thing is that Cawthornโ€™s distraction barely made a blip in the news. But it has made huge waves within the Republican party. Leader Kevin McCarthy threatened to have a stern chat with Cawthorn. Maybe Trump just wants the Republican party to fall further into disarray out of spite for their inability to reinstall him? Who knows?
At least, for once, itโ€™s not projection, with a Republican accusing a Democrat of something theyโ€™re guilty of. The bottom line is that the Republican party has no bottom. We must vote them out in the midterms, November 8, 2022.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.