Trump’s right wing goons are more out of control than ever

I hear so many conversations about savagery. “Why has our country become so savage?” “Why is hate so prevalent?” “What has happened to us?”

I hear this all the time. It’s like an echo. This poignant question is asked everywhere. Even as I write this, even as you, my friend, read this, someone is asking this question. HOW did it happen?

We were heading in this direction for a long time. And I believe even before the Former guy, the nests of hatred were being built.

Take former President Obama. So many racists were infuriated that he had won. But it goes back even further. There has been so much simmering resentment, just waiting to be unlocked. Remember when John Kerry ran for President. Remember how he was “Swiftboated.”

Remember the mockery of the GOP at their convention that year, jeering at Kerry’s service to this country and handing out fake purple hearts. The crisis had already started. But now, things have become deadly. People have died. Pain is everywhere.

Take Mobile, Alabama. The police there are searching. Alabama State Senator Vivian Davis Figures is a Democrat. And her house was shot at 23 times this week. Luckily, nobody was home at the time. But what if they had been? Mobile police said the attack didn’t appear to be “random.”

This isn’t the only targeted attack to happen lately. Many have made it into the news. One of the more notable ones was the plotting of the kidnapping of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. We can’t stop all of these attacks. But we need to retain our focus in driving these insurrection supporters out of power. Right now, nothing’s more important than that.

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