Total foolishness

In the past couple of weeks Democrats held several exhaustive hearings seeking explanations for the insufficient response of law enforcement to the January 6th insurrection. The House passed and sent to the Senate, Biden’s American Rescue Plan, the H.R.1 voting rights, and the H.R.1280 George Floyd police reform Acts.

President Biden and Vice President Harris held a ceremony honoring the terrible marker of 500,000 victims of Covid-19 and followed that up with an announcement this week that by the end of May there will be enough vaccines for every adult in the U.S.

In the meantime, the Rebuplican party held a three day religious service called CPAC that culminated in anointing former guy Donald Trump as omniscient leader. Although there was an actual gold statue of him on the premises, shockingly, only 55% of attendees said Trump was their first choice for 2024.

At the Senate and House hearings the Republicans spent their time questioning the methodology used to collect evidence against the rioters, reminiscing about MS-13 and wondering aloud if the FBI could screen for spies if the U.S. allowed citizens from Hong Kong into the U.S.

In further silliness Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy actually took the time to lament that Dr Seuss had been “outlawed” and Senator Rick Scott used his appearance on a morning news show to declare that Democrats are for “open borders, closed schools and men in women’s sports.” Is this useless theatrical crap what Republican voters really want? I’m afraid we know the answer, or it wouldn’t be happening.

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