Today is a day to smile

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Today is a day to smile. Well, folks, we did it! Everybody who voted helped make it happen. Today is a day that will be remembered. The $1.9 Trillion Dollar COVID Bill has passed. It has been voted on and is now the law. And this relief bill will help so many.

It will help individuals who need money desperately. It will help businesses, small and large. It will help people in poverty. It will help people whose unemployment benefits were soon due to expire. It will help more people than I could possibly count.

And we also, on this same extraordinary day, have a new Attorney General. Merrick Garland has been confirmed. The Justice Department will be transformed under his leadership and will once again flourish. So, we have a few things to celebrate today.

And it is thanks to every single person who voted. Today’s events show what change is and what it can do when people make their voices heard. If ever, there was a day to celebrate in the last four years, this is it. It is a great day, second only to Biden winning the election.

We’ve got to hold onto it. There will be fights ahead. But take a few minutes to feel joy. And to relish the thought that our great country is under new and outstanding leadership.

Our country was wounded by Trump but not killed. And never take America for granted. She’s back. Her wings were severely damaged, but they were healed, fresh with new energy, and already flying.

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