This is slipping away from Greg Abbott

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With mass shootings more prevalent than ever, and even the crazies seemingly begging for gun safety laws, the Texas House has gone completely off the rails and passed a “constitutional carry” gun law. It failed for years despite conservative activists pushing hard for it.

If HB-1927 passes the Senate, Texas residents will no longer need a license to carry handguns. Applicants currently have to submit fingerprints, complete training, and pass a written exam and a shooting proficiency test, which should be required nationally.

Democratic Rep. Trey Fischer recalled armed activists walking the streets, asking leaders’ wives where their husbands stood. “That was enough to say we’re not even gonna’ hear the bill.” Minutes later, it passed the house in resounding fashion with Democratic support, putting pressure on a less enthusiastic Senate, under Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick.

“Instead of focusing on fixing our grid or working to restore our economy” Republicans are “laser-focused on making it easier for criminals to access dangerous weapons,” said Democrat Mike Collier, expected to challenge Patrick in 2022.

Its biggest ally was House Speaker David Phelan. His predecessor was resistant — chafed by supporters’ tactics. CJ Grisham, President of Open Carry Texas (affiliated with the Proud Boys) even showed up at his home. Grisham had recently expressed optimism, citing a really good relationship with Phelan, who tweeted he has “no relationship with [Grisham] whatsoever.”

Senate passage requires all 18 Republicans. Democratic Sen. Nathan Johnson’s faith in the Senate is shaken. “I never dreamed it would come out of the House.”

Gov. Greg Abbott said, “We’ll just see,” obviously not concerned with gun safety or that this could make it impossible to distinguish armed criminals from law-abiding citizens. Beto O’Rourke, who many want to run against Abbott, is strongly opposed.

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