This is just getting ugly for Matt Gaetz

As our wonderful country moves on from the nightmare that was the former guy and his motley crew, some people do not want to move on. Perhaps this is because they are trying to attain status and popularity on the former guy’s coattails. And one of those people is nobody’s favorite Venmo fan, Floridian Congressman Matt Gaetz.

Gaetz has been on a manic and strangely creepy Twitter rant lately. His nonstop tweeting and inability to get off the social media site have been noted and met with the scorn people usually show at most things the Congressman does.

But now, others are speaking out against Gaetz. And those “others” are his former classmates.

According to Insider, who spoke with many of the law students who went to school with Gaetz, the Congressman has been nothing but an embarrassment to them. Some of these classmates describe Gaetz as “attention-seeking” and quite the partyer.

A 2005 email was described where Gaetz was talking about a Super Bowl party. Reportedly Gaetz asked that party-goers bring $1 bills and strippers. Why does this not surprise me?

Many of these classmates have signed a petition urging the high-haired Congressman to resign. So, suffice it to say Gaetz is not having an easy time of it lately. And things show no sign of getting any better for him soon.

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