This is a bunch of horse crap even for Donald Trump

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Click Here

A new book is due to be released next week. Called Servants of the Damned: Giant Law Firms, Donald Trump and the Corruption of Justice itโ€™s supposed to highlight how the hard reich wing of the legal community enabled Orange Florida Man (OFM) to engage in his many criminal acts and other misdeeds. The Guardian got an advance copy of the book, which was written by David Enrich of the New York Times. The stories of OFM refusing to pay for legal services rendered are already legion, but I got to say this story takes the cake.

According to Enrich, in the 1990s a lawyer at a prestigious law firm did some legal work for OFM and sent him a bill for two million dollars. After not being paid the lawyer ran out of patience went to talk OFM into paying his legal bill. After the lawyer relayed his disappointment over OFMโ€™s refusal to pay, OFM tried to get out of the legal bill by offering to give the lawyer a horse that he owned, saying it was more valuable than the cash he owed the lawyer.

This offer to provide the lawyer with a horse absolutely stunned the lawyer and it took a few minutes for him to compose himself. Enrich wrote that once the lawyer composed himself, he told OFM, โ€œThis isnโ€™t the 1800s. You canโ€™t pay me with a horse.โ€ The lawyer told OFM that he would sue his former client for payment. Eventually OFM paid part of the amount he owed.

This story shows that OFM has always been at his core a dishonest con man. It also shows that anyone who trusts him or believes a word he says really ought to have their heads examined.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Click Here